DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY ____________________________________

Article 36-51

- Non justiciable
- set of instruction
- Article 38
- Article 39-opportunity for healthy development of child.
- Article 39A- free legal aid.
- Article 41 -right to work, education,public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness.
- Article 42- just and human condition of work,maternity relief.
- Article 43 A- participation of workers in management.
- Article 40- village panchayats and local self government.
- Article 43 B - cooperatives.
- Article 46- promote interest of ST, SC, other backward class.
- Article 47- prohibit the consumption of intoxicant drinking and drug .
- Article 48-prohibit slaughter of milch animal.
- Article 44- UCC
- Article 45-early childhood care until 6 year.
- Article 48 A -protect and improve environment safeguard wildlife.
- Article 49-protect monuments,places, object of artistic having historical and national importance.
- Article 50 - separate judiciary from executive.
- Article 51- promote international peace and harmonious relation with other state.
42 Constitutional amendment act
-article 39, 39A ,43A, 48A
86th Constitutional amendment act
-article 45
97th constitutional amendments
- 42nd constitutional amendments act 1976
- Part 4A
- Inspired from USS
- Originally 10, 1 added later 2002(86th CAA)
Constitutional amendment
Article 368 part 20
Procedure -
- bill introduction
- either by minister and private member
- passed by each house with special majority
- joint session if disagreement occur
- present to president (neither can withhold not can return)
- act
Types of amendment
1) Amendment via simple majority
Eg- formation of new state, alter boundary, 5 schedule, 6 schedule ember of salaries
Eg- formation of new state, alter boundary, 5 schedule, 6 schedule ember of salaries
2) Amendment via Special majority
3)Special majority + ratification of half state
Eg- president election, supreme court and high court, 7th schedule, power to amend constitution